Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Getting Ready Part III

I left town for a few days but Emily came to help Mike continue to get ready for our California visitors.  They are expected in a week so there is still some work to be done.

First, Emily helped her dad move this box from the garage to the the basement.  
Then she helped open the box.
What is it?

Emily and her dad testing out our new ping pong table.
She is planning a tournament when the Spilsbury's visit and is apparently getting in some much needed practice.
According to Mike, she lost every game she played with him.  

After recovering from 14 games of ping pong, Mike and Emily added more air to the AquaGlide so it
is ready for lots of use by the Spilsbury clan.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent. Looking forward to the table tennis tournament.