Monday, October 19, 2015

More Animal Pictures

Mike reports that there has been a request for more wildlife pictures on the blog.  They are Eli's favorite posts.  So we went and checked the game camera twice this weekend to get some more pictures.

On Friday, we found this picture on the camera.  Note the antlers.  

We checked the camera again on Sunday and saw this picture.
See if you can tell how many deer are in this picture.
Also, I don't think any of them have antlers so is this another group of deer visiting our bean field?

I saw a few of this group of turkeys the other day in the bean field by the pond.
Of course, I only saw two of them and they were scurrying back into the woods.
Mike saw them on the road the other day.  He stopped and counted and said there were six.
Hope I get to see all six sometime.  

Frank mentioned that a friend of his has been sitting up at night shooting at raccoons.
They have been after his chickens.
Think that is why there is only one in this picture instead of the three we saw in the August pictures?
The fox is still around.  

Maybe this animal is tracking that fox?
She is suppose to be home eating breakfast but she escaped.  Again.   

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