Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween 2015

According to the local newspaper, trick or treating in our area started at five p.m. on Halloween and ended at eight p.m.  Mike and I rushed to be ready for our trick or treaters by five o'clock.  I did the nightly chicken chores while Mike hurried across the street to pick up Mabel, our basset hound, from doggy daycare at my in-laws.  I, then, retrieved the candy from its hiding place.  (I do that every Halloween.  It is the only way to keep us from eating it beforehand.)

We ended up having four trick or treaters.  We had Batman, Elsa, Superman and a frozen Indian (frozen because of Elsa).  Needless to say, they were all in one group.  In fact, they were all in one family.  We actually were expecting them.  Mike had the forethought to ask our neighbors about their kids candy favorites and made sure I had them on hand.  Each child actually got a whole bag of candy.  Since they had stopped at our house first, I'm sure we set the tone for a very successful Halloween night.

That left us with three bags of candy.  At eight o'clock, when we were fairly convinced there would be no more trick or treaters, Mike and I opened the bags.  I had the forethought to buy three bags of our favorite candy in the off chance this might happen.  So Mike and I opened a bottle of wine and enjoyed our chocolate.

As for the rest of my family, only two of them dressed up this year.  Two weeks ago, Emily celebrated Halloween at a party in Carbondale.  And last night, Suzanne dressed up.  She had to.  She was part of a group Halloween costume.  I don't know if they had as good a time as Mike and I but they looked good.

Daphne (Dana) and Velma (Emily) from

the Scooby Doo animated series.  

Suzanne (with blue hair) and group as 
the emotions from the Disney Pixar film 'Inside Out'

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