Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Justice Visits

The other day I was working in my office which has a view of the front yard.  I heard the dogs barking and I glanced up to find Justice in the front yard.  He had brought me some visitors.

Mike took a selfie with Justice.  
Justice rode over to our house with our vet Lynette and her son Hunter.  Apparently it was Hunter's idea to drop by for a visit.  I can only think that somehow we impressed him the last time he was here.  Anyway, Mike asked Hunter if he would like to help feed the catfish.  Hunter went to the shed to help Mike carry the fish food and then the two of them walked over to the dock to feed the fish.  Mike went to the end of the dock and showed Hunter what to do.  

However, Hunter wasn't into the catfish.  He preferred to feed the baby fish that were right under the dock.  Hunter used up to buckets of catfish food feeding those little blue gill while meant that the catfish went hungry.  Mike told me the catfish ate extra well the next night to make up for it.  

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