Monday, October 12, 2015

Dogs Just Wanna Have Fun

Apparently inside our house is the place to be if you are a dog.  Our two outdoor dogs occasionally make their way all the way inside to the basement even though they know better.  And now Frank and Lois's dog is leaving his home to come to ours.

On Friday, Mike went downstairs to let our four dogs out of their cages.  First, he stopped at his office to let Mabel and Gracie out of their cages.  As he was doing this he realized that there was another dog at his feet.  It was Emily, his parents dog.  Emily lives across the street.  For Emily to have gotten into our house at night she would have had to come through the dog door into the dog room and then enter the basement through the open dog room door.  She would have walked right past Buddy and Little Girl in their cages.  This would not be considered that improbable of an event except for two things.  One, the dog door had been locked for the night and, two, Emily will not go through dog doors.  She has had one of her own for twenty one months now and she never goes through it.  Anyway, Mike took Emily, the dog, back to her home and she has not visited us since.

On Sunday morning, Mike went down to let the dogs out and here is a picture of what he found on the dog room floor when he went to let Buddy and Little Girl out of their still locked cages.

Pieces of metal on the floor outside of Little Girls cage.
These are pieces of wire gnawed off the dog cage.  
The carabiner clips were still on Little Girl's cage door but she had switched tactics.  Instead of working on the door latches she was chewing the bars on the dog cage.  The hole she had made wasn't yet big enough for her to squeeze through but she was working hard at achieving this objective.

A picture of the hole Little Girl, the mutt, made in the dog cage.
Mike has spent the better part of the day trying to come up with another plan to keep Little Girl contained for the night.  We have to lock her up because she knocks the covers off the dog doors and enters the basement otherwise.  If we make it impossible for her to come through the dog doors she gnaws the trim on the walls.  I can't wait to see what he comes up with this time.

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