Thursday, October 8, 2015

First Time since 2003
Emily and Mike getting ready for the game to begin.
Notice that they are wearing Cub attire.
I was permitted to watch the game with them but
the fact that I wasn't properly dressed (in Cub clothes) was
considered a problem that they begrudgingly overlooked.  

That's how long it has been since the Cubs have won a playoff game.  So on Wednesday, October 7, when the Cubs were scheduled to play the Pittsburg Pirates for a spot in post season play, you knew it was not going to be a normal evening in the Peterson household.

I knew something was going on when Emily decided to visit us.  We haven't seen Emily since school started August 24 but Mike went ahead and invited her to watch the game with him.  We weren't sure whether she would come or not but when she decided she RSVP'd to me.  That is because when she comes she expects me to feed her a home cooked meal and she has found that if she doesn't give me enough notice about her visit, there is no food in the house that she likes.  I was so excited Emily was coming that I made her favorite soup and served homemade bread, homemade apple butter and homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.  I wasn't sure how the rest of the evening was going to go but at least the meal would be a positive experience.

After I cleaned the kitchen and Mike finished the evening chores, we took our cookies and blue napkins down to the basement to watch the game.  That is the first time I have watched anything on the TV down there since we moved in five months ago.  I had extra pillows and blankets in the chest we use as a coffee table so Emily and I were able to make ourselves comfortable down there.

The Cubs won the playoff game 4 to nothing.   Mike says to continue the winning streak he has to watch Friday's game wearing the same Cub shirt and hat and Emily needs to be there.  However, she is going out of town on Friday to visit Suzanne so that is not going to happen.  I, at least, better make sure Mike's shirt is washed and ready to wear by Friday.  

Happy Cub fans!

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