Monday, November 16, 2015

Zuzu's Petals

Mike and I went to a screening of 'It's a Wonderful Life' at the historic Wildey Theater in Edwardsville.  The theater, built as an opera house in 1909, is used as a venue for live performances and classic films.  What made this particular film screening special was that the unofficial ambassador for the film, Karolyn Grimes, was present.  Karolyn Grimes was six years old when she played Zuzu, Jimmy Stewarts and Donna Reed's daughter, in the movie.

Karolyn was available to meet the fans, sign autographs and take pictures.  She also spoke before the screening and gave us some insider gossip about the film.  After the film, she took questions from the audience.  From Karolyn's remarks, we learned the following:

1.  Jimmy Stewart has a line in the movie in which he exclaims, 'Zuzu, my little gingersnap!'  Audiences of today have no idea that Zuzu actually was the name of a gingersnap cookie made in the early 1900's.  It was made by a company that became Nabisco.

2.  'It's a Wonderful Life' was not a well received movie when first shown in 1946.  It languished on the shelves in Hollywood unseen and unnoticed until the 1970's when the copyright expired.  That's when TV stations added it to their viewing lists as they did not have to pay any royalties to show this movie.  So it was the television viewers of the 1970's and subsequent generations who actually grew to love this movie.

Karolyn was living in Missouri in the 1970's and raising seven children.  She became aware of the movie's popularity when reporters started calling her for interviews.  After she received more than a few of these calls she sat down and watched the movie.  It was her first time viewing the movie.

3.  Karolyn did not know the words to 'Auld Lang Syne' which is sung at the end of the movie.  She says she is embarrassed every time she sees that scene.  She says Jimmy Stewart is actually laughing at her as she messes up the words.   During the question and answer session she admitted she still doesn't know the words.  

4.  There is a scene in the movie after Harry's wedding reception in which Uncle Billy, who was tipsy, has just walked off screen and Jimmy Stewart is heading back into the house.  There is a loud crash and Jimmy Stewart looks around startled.  A crewman had dropped some equipment by accident.  The actor playing Uncle Billy had the presence of mind to shout, 'I'm alright' and the scene stayed in the movie.  The crewman got a bonus in his paycheck that week for dropping the equipment.

5.  The scene about the run on the Savings and Loan and the resultant panic by the saving and loan customers was saved when Ellen Corbin said she would withdraw $17.50.  She was suppose to say $20 just like the previous two actors had said.  She caught Jimmy Stewart by surprise.  After she said her line, he paused and then he reacted by kissing her on the check.  Frank Capra had not liked how the scene was going until this happened.

Still the highlight of the day was when we got to meet Karolyn Grimes before the movie showing.  She autographed an 'It's a Wonderful Life' Christmas ornament for Mike and allowed us to take a picture with her.  She also gave us rose petals which Mike promptly put in his pants pocket just like Jimmy Stewart did in the movie.  I was lucky to be in the picture.  Mike made sure to tell Karolyn that I didn't like the movie.  Fortunately, she was very gracious about that and Mike and I went on to have a wonderful time at the screening.  

Mike, Karolyn and Kim standing in front of a larger than life still photo from the movie.
That is Jimmy Stewart looking over Mike's shoulder.  

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