Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Better View

Our house is situated so you can see the pond from the back of the house.  To maximize the chance of seeing this view from the inside of the house, we have walls of windows along the back of the house and upstairs we have a balcony facing the pond.  This has worked pretty well.  Anyone sitting at the breakfast table or in the living area has a great view of the pond.  However, short persons such as myself have a hard time getting the full impact of the view from the balcony.  If I sit in the chairs we have placed out there, the balcony safety railing blocks my view.

Mike solved this problem over the weekend.  On Friday, we drove into St. Louis to pick up Blackie and grab some Krispy Kreme donuts.  (Yes, Blackie is visiting us again.)  On the way back home, we stopped at a roadside Amish Farmer's Market we had noticed on previous trips.  They had just gotten in a shipment of outdoor furniture.  We spotted some chairs that were perfect for the balcony.  They  were the right height (bar height), matched the brick color,  and were made in Illinois.  The chairs were made from poly lumber which is made from recycled milk jugs, etc.  Thus ,they will not rot, weather or fade which makes them maintenance free.

Mike installing the
connecting settee table.
Got to have a
place for our coffee
or wine!
Dogs supervising
the set up of the new chairs.  

A view of the chairs from inside the house.  

Mike and I checking out our new balcony furniture
and the view.  We were right.  What a difference it makes
sitting in higher chairs and looking over the railing.
Can't wait until summer when I can enjoy it even more!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent!!! Can't wait to try them out.