Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Laura Visits

Laura came for an twenty-four hour visit last weekend.  We managed to make it a worthwhile visit even if it was short.

In November, Laura plans to attend an Harry Potter trivia night with some friends.  While visiting us, she searched for costume ideas by rummaging through the Halloween costume boxes.  Sure enough she found the Hermione velveteen robe she wore for Halloween in elementary school.   It even fits although it is no longer floor length.   We were even able to add to the costume when we attended Apple Days in the Greenville Square on Saturday.  There was a booth selling magic wands so Laura bought one.

I had some items on my to do list that benefitted from Laura's assistance.  Her visit gave me the excuse to try a new recipe- Inside Out Chicken Pot Pie.  It was a much easier version of my famous Chicken Pot Pie but surprises of surprises she did not like the new recipe as well as the old one.  I also coerced her into helping me with an Halloween craft.  Two pairs of hands are always better than one.  
Then as a reward for all of her efforts, Mike and I took her to lunch at Kahuna's.  This was only the second time she had been there but Mike and I remembered how much she liked it the first time.  Personally I think she likes it because they give her so much food she does not need to prepare another meal for the remainder of the day.  

Laura's first visit to Kahuna's.
There is a burger hidden under all that fries.  
So even though it was a short visit, we accomplished a lot and best of all, Blackie got to see his favorite human.

1 comment:

Team Blackie said...

Team Blackie!