Wednesday, October 30, 2019

From My Balcony

I looked out from my upstairs porch the other day to view a standoff between Lilly and the 60 geese that were occupying my pond.  Standoff is probably not the right word.  Lilly was not in the least concerned about sharing the pond with the geese whereas the geese were. 

I also was concerned about Lilly being so near sixty wild geese.  I'm not sure she would come out the victor if one goose attacked her and I was sure she would not be able to hold her own if a gaggle came after her. 

However, Lilly eventually wondered off and the geese relaxed. 

The other morning I felt I was living in Jurassic park.  Overnight the temperature had dropped and there was steam rising from the pond.  This happens every fall but this is the first time a strong wind had been blowing the same time.  It had a disquieting effect.  

As usual the colors of fall are beautiful.  I tried to add to it this year by planting mums in my garden.  They have been doing pretty well and I can see their colors across the yard.  

Although we have not had that many sunny days this month the leaf colors have still shown through.  This is definitely my favorite view from the balcony.  

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