Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Garden Glow 

Garden Glow is located at the Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis.  They have been decorating their outdoor garden and buildings for the Christmas holidays with over one million Christmas lights since 2012.  Based on the crowds that were trying to park their cars, I would say it is a very popular holiday attraction.

Prior to actually starting the one mile walk through the outdoor gardens, I joined my friends inside the building to view the holiday flower and train show.  We watched the trains pass through miniature towns filled with miniature building, people, vehicles, and animals as well as actual miniature living plants.

Then we went outside and listened to music as we walked through the garden displays and observed the lights projected onto the buildings. 

They even had the 12 Days of Garden exhibit which included my favorite, two turtle doves. 

I wonder if I should try to replicate some of this in my garden next year?  Maybe not.  It will be just easier to go see it again. 

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