Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Bird Watching

Mike and I are into bird watching but we are only able to successfully identify large birds.  So far this winter the large birds most often seen at the pond are geese.   However, one day we even had a couple of eagles. 

Observant people that we are, we did not realize there were two eagles until the one closest to the house flew to another tree.  The two birds still did not share a tree but they occupied the trees for over an hour. 

Once I spotted the two of them I was kept busy keeping an eye on them.  One was apparently camera shy because he or she kept his back to the camera.  Finally though he or she turned around and I was able to get a picture of each bird. 

I was hoping they would consider moving in and building a nest but we have not seen them since that one day.  Even though we have been looking. 

In the meantime, the geese come and go.  Even though they do not stay long they can get territorial.  I watched two groups warily circle each other on the pond the other day.  They traded sides of the pond at least twice.  It was always a bit tense, at least for me, when they passed each other in the middle.  I kept wanted to go out onto the balcony and yell at them to play nice.  After all there was plenty of room for both groups.  And plenty of room for the eagles if they would only come back. 

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