Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Beginning the Planting Process

As every gardener knows, gardening begins with preparing the ground.  My gardening begins by watching the farm supply and hardware store ads.  Once I find a good sale price on potting mix, the urge to plant my garden ramps up.

I finally spotted a good price on two cubic foot bags of potting mix at the local Ace Hardware store and placed my order online.  When they called that my order was ready, I dispatched Mike to pick it up.  Turned out that this was a bit of a production because I had ordered so many.

First Mike took the RZR to Morton Building Number 2 and hooked up his trailer.

Then he drove the trailer out of the building and parked and unhooked the trailer from the RZR.

Then he backed up his truck to the trailer and hitched them together.

And finally Mike was ready to go to Vandalia to pick up my order.  He returned within the hour with 25 bags of Miracle Gro potting mix.  

Since I did not have the plants yet but we were expecting rain overnight, we decided to store the trailer with the soil in MB2.  That meant the whole process had to be reversed.  First Mike unhooked the trailer from the truck.  Then he moved the truck.  

Then he got the RZR and re-hooked it to the trailer although this time it had 25 bags of soil in it.  

Then he drove the loaded trailer over to MB2.  

There was a tracker with a brush hog attached and a rock pile in the way but Mike was able to swing his load right on into the building anyway.  

Apparently we were not done with this process yet.  Now the tractor and brush hog needed to be put into the building.  So Mike got on the tractor and backed it in.  

At this point we called it a day.  I had no idea that a simple request to go to the store would involve this much effort.  No wonder Mike always says, 'So much to do and so little time."

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