I like to grow vegetables. I like to do this because I like to eat them and I like to cook with them. I also like to think I my food is better for me when I grow it myself. And because these plants are annuals, I can try different vegetables each year if I want.
Mike, on the other hand, likes trees. He likes all types of trees including fruit trees. I am not sure why that is because the only fruit he will eat from a tree are apples. I know he likes that trees are easier to grow than vegetables. He only has to plant them once and other than bug spraying he can ignore them. (Unfortunately this is not correct. Fruit trees need to be pruned but Mike considers this optional.) So when fruit trees are on sale, Mike has a hard time passing them by.
A few years ago, Mike saw fruit trees on sale and decided to buy some. We already had 4 apple trees by that point so he passed on those. However, Laura had told him that she liked peaches so he decided we should add one of those to our pond. Laura loved the idea and has awaited eagerly a peach crop. We finally got one this year.
On Saturday, Laura and the rest of the family grabbed one plastic bag and headed out to pick our peach crop. Our total yield was twelve peaches.
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