Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I don't watch HGTV anymore.  It used to be all I watched but now I don't watch any of their decorating shows.  This is because there is no place in my new house left to decorate.  We made all those decorating decisions as the house was being built so now that it is done I have nothing left to do (and not to mention no budget with which to do it with).  Plus I don't want to watch the decorating shows and start to second guess all those decisions I made.  Unfortunately though I still get the HGTV magazine.

So I haven't been able to stifle the decorating urge.  Each month I go through the magazine and mark all the ideas I like but then I just throw the magazine away.  At least that was what I did until I remembered Laura and her new apartment.  Laura moved into this apartment over the summer and with her new job and a summer houseguest she hasn't had much time to make it a home.

So now I look for ideas for her apartment.   Laura is too nice to tell me to let her decorate her place by herself so she looks as all my magazine favorites and tries to head me off at the pass by reminding me that the place is just a rental and that her budget doesn't have a decorating category.  Nevertheless, I have persevered and yesterday I did some decorating at her apartment.

We borrowed two of Laura's kitchen chairs and moved them to the living room for additional seating.
We hung some baskets I found at the Greenville Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store.
I also used some of Laura's angel collection to decorate her book shelves and
I bought a silver bucket off of Target's dollar shelves and filled it with purple and yellow fake flowers.
The plant on the chair came from my basement storage.  

Found this Teddy Bear cookie jar for just $3.
He looks good on Laura's kitchen counter.
I also filled him with snicker doodles which may be the real reason she liked him.  

Got this idea from Suzanne.
We decorated above Laura's kitchen cabinets.
We mainly used items she already had.  

Here we used a ceramic Pooh Laura painted and
a purple and yellow ribbon embroidered box Aunt Kathy decorated.  

I went to all the thrift and antique stores in Greenville and collected 12 potholders or trivets.
Most are crocheted items.
Then we hung them on the wall in Laura's kitchen with command hooks.
It appears that Laura was really happy to have this colorful display added to her kitchen.  

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