Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Animals of Summer

Sometime in the middle of summer, Mike moved the game camera.  It was originally in the corner of the corn field but once the corn got tall we were only getting pictures of corn.  Besides we had started to notice that there seemed to be a lot of animal activity in the bean fields that are next to our driveway.  So Mike moved the game camera there and then forgot about it.  Today we went to retrieve the pictures.

This picture came as no surprise.
Mike and I have turned into our driveway many times and startled the deer who were grazing there.
We have seen one couple several times - a mother and baby.  

I especially enjoy catching sight of turkeys but somehow I am the only one who never gets to see them.
Now I know why.  They are hidden by the bean field.  

We know there is at least one fox in the neighborhood because Mabel spends a lot of her time tracking it.
Don't know if this is the same fox or not.  

I don't want to know what these three have been up to.  

Possibly the scariest animals of all.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post! Lots of really great stuff lately. Thanks for the love and focus you put into this site. It's the first thing I read in the morning, so for a few minutes I feel I'm back at the pond. Except when I'm in South Carolina.