Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Eli's Visit

Eli and his dad came to visit over Valentine's weekend.  Andy left on Sunday but Eli stayed for a couple of more days.  Laura, Suzanne, Heath, Mike and I did our best to keep him entertained.

I had originally planned to include an educational outing in our itinerary but Heath, who knows more about 12 year old boys than I, suggested a visit to The Edge in Belleville instead.  The Edge advertises that they have among other things the largest Laser Tag Arena in the World.  So we went there.  First we all went bowling.  See the standings posted here.  In case the picture is not absolutely clear, I beat Mike.

During his time at the pond, Eli got to spend some time with our dogs....

 and riding in the Jeep (both on and off the road, top both on and off) ...

eating Chili Cheese dogs at Dairy Queen more than once...

shopping at the new Dollar Tree for favorite items like Pokeman cards and Most Stuff Oreos...

and cooking dinner (delicious chicken curry) for Kim and Mike as well as a Chili Dog Lunch as there can never be too many chili dogs in a week...

and Hydro Painting ...

and teaching the rest of us to play Pokeman and then in general beating the pants off of us once we were able to play. 

Based on photo evidence, I think it is safe to say he had a good time.

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