Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Mushroom Hunting

Bill, Lois and Mike went mushroom hunting the other day. Bill and Mike took Lois to a spot barely off the walking path in our timber.

Even though they have been searching since early April for mushrooms, Mike and Bill have only found about 37 in total thus far.  Even past years special spots have not yielded many finds.

One of the most successful spots last year was near where the Easter bunny hid the Easter baskets.  Heath and the girls ended up with 20 just on that day and so far Mike has not found many in that site at all.  Another popular spot is on Lois's property near the junk pile.  We usually take brand new mushroom hunters there as mushrooms grow well in that area.  However, again this year there have not been many there at all.  Nevertheless, Bill and Mike are still periodically checking these spots just in case there are more to come.

Ever the optimists, us Petersons are still hold out hope for a productive mushroom season.  Of course, we could blame our low numbers on the pandemic as many of our mushroom hunters are quarantined in their homes elsewhere.  As it is we are grateful that mushroom hunter Bill Peterson was able to make it here from Florida or our mushroom count would have been considerably lower!  

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