Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Emily's Visit 
Week Two

On the Sunday that began Emily's second week with us, her former college roommate Dana came to visit.  The two girls visited and then joined the rest of the family for pizza.  They fed the fish and stopped to check out my garden.  They took up the challenge to hunt for zucchini and surprised me by placing 6 big zucchinis on the kitchen counter.  They also played ping pong. 

Mike said he was going to clean the Jeep of dog hair so there would be no more dogs riding in the his vehicle.  Before he could do that though the girls suggested a Dairy Queen run that ended up including 3 dogs. 

Emily worked during most of her second week but she arranged for two days off at the very end of the week.  We were able to squeeze in some more family time then.  On Friday, we picked up her repaired bike at a bike shop in O'Fallon and Suzanne joined us for lunch.  Emily also got her first ride on the pontoon fishing boat.  While riding, she fished with her father.  Of course, she insisted that Frankie join them. 

According to Emily, Frankie loves fishing.  He just does not care too much about the actual fish. 

Then on Saturday, the whole family met at Suzanne and Heath's house for a pizza lunch.  Suzanne's menu included homemade pepperoni pizza for the meat lovers and a zucchini dough pesto pizza for the vegetable lovers.  I made sure to eat the zucchini pizza because I was the one who had provided the giant zucchini's to make this pizza dough.  As Suzanne had already pointed out to me, she needed to use up a lot of zucchini. 

Then, after our meal, we hung out together in the Zurn living room.  We were able to spend quality time with each other and with the Zurn pets. 

Emily concluded her last day with us by packing her belongings which included her newly repaired bike.  Unfortunately she had to take the bike apart to get it on the plane.  That actually evolved into a group activity.  She also managed to find time to feed the fish one more time. 

We are just hoping that it will not be another seven months before we see Emily in Illinois again. 

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